

Joey Pang is a highly acclaimed tattoo artist known for her exceptional talent and innovative tattoo style. Born in Yunnan, China, and raised in Hong Kong, Joey developed a deep passion for art from a young age. Her journey into tattooing began in the early 2000s when she decided to pursue her artistic talent through a new medium.

Joey's unique style combines realism, watercolor, and traditional Chinese art, resulting in breathtaking and visually captivating tattoo artwork. Intricate details, vibrant colors, and a harmonious fusion of Eastern and Western aesthetics characterize her artistic vision.

With a deep appreciation for cultural heritage and symbolism, Joey often incorporates Chinese calligraphy, traditional motifs, and mythical creatures into her tattoo designs. She seamlessly blends different art styles and techniques, which has earned her international recognition and a loyal following.

Beyond her technical prowess, Joey is also highly regarded for her commitment to providing a safe and comfortable tattooing experience for her clients. She prioritizes open communication and collaborates closely with each client to ensure their vision is brought to life in a way that exceeds expectations.

Joey's artistic achievements have earned her numerous accolades. Her work has been featured in major international mainstream media, academic research papers, brand endorsements, and product collaborations. She is the sole representative of the Chinese community in the permanent roster of "world-famous tattoo artists," "world's best tattoo artists," and "world's top tattoo artists" on Google. Apart from running a thriving tattoo studio in Hong Kong, she also teaches and mentors aspiring tattoo artists, sharing her knowledge and passion for this art form.

Joey Pang's innovative approach to tattooing, combined with her dedication to artistic excellence and cultural appreciation, has solidified her position as one of the most influential and respected tattoo artists in the industry. Her works continually inspire and push the boundaries of tattoo art.


Joey Pang 是一位備受讚譽的刺青藝術家,以其卓越的才華和創新的刺青風格聞名。

Joey 在中國雲南出生,並在香港長大,在年幼時就對藝術產生了深刻的熱愛。她的刺青之旅始於 2000 年代初,當時她決定用一種新的媒介追求她的藝術才華。

Joey 的獨特風格融合了寫實主義、水彩和中國傳統藝術的元素,創造出令人驚嘆和視覺上令人著迷的刺青作品。她的藝術視野以精緻的細節、鮮豔的色彩和東西方美學的和諧融合為特點。

對於文化遺產和象徵意義,Joey 常常將中國書法、傳統圖案和神話生物融入她的刺青設計中。她能夠無縫地融合不同的藝術風格和技巧,這使她贏得了國際上的認可和一批忠實的追隨者。

除了她卓越的技術,Joey 也因為為客戶提供安全舒適的刺青體驗而倍受讚譽。她重視開放溝通,與每位客戶密切合作,確保將他們的設想以超出期望的方式呈現出來。

Joey 的藝術成就為她贏得了眾多殊榮,她的理念被各大國際主流媒體報導、大學論文研究、品牌代言及產品合作,並榮登 Google "world-famous tattoo artists", "world's best tattoo artists", "world's top tattoo artists" 永久名人錄上唯一華人代表。除了在香港經營蓬勃發展的刺青工作室外,她還教授和指導有抱負的刺青藝術家,分享她對這門藝術的知識和熱情。

Joey Pang 對刺青的創新方法、對藝術卓越的追求和對文化的欣賞,使她成為該行業中最具影響力和受人尊敬的刺青藝術家之一。她的作品不斷啟發並推動刺青藝術的界限。